Africa Horse Tours invites you to go through the most challenging landscapes in the world on a horse.
We are two friends with one thing in common: we share the same love for the horses. We are two friends who started a journey, discovering the world and its culture. We are two friends who are passionate about the things that we do, and that one day discovered the internet and the digital marketing.
One day these two friends asked themselves: why don’t we put everything together: our love for horses, the world, and our passions and make a living out of it?

A place that invites you to ride your horse and discover the wildest region in the planet.
We are Matías and Hipólito, friends and partners in this adventure. Passionate about everything we do. If you are reading this is because we share the same love and inspiration: horses and the world.
We invite you to go through the most challenging landscapes in the world on a horse. A journey that will mark a turning point in your life.
Our staff

I was born in the Argentine Pampas, raised surrounded by horses in the family farm. I love travelling, getting to know new places, cultures and their people. I lived in New Zealand and England, where I worked with Polo horses. I later returned to my country to embark on the most epic cavalcade of my life: following the steps of our greatest national hero, I crossed The Andes on a horse. On this trip, I grasped the scope of the Argentine phrase “Our nation was built on a horse”

Programming has always been a part of me, ever since I started learning how to do it in my childhood. When I finished school, I submerged myself in the world of Advertising, working in the field for more than 10 years. On my first trip to New Zealand, I rode the shores of the South Island. It was in this place that my desire to see the world on a horse started. I travelled through Europe and Asia, but it was in Mongolia where I experienced the best horseback ride: a nomad life among Genghis Khan’s famous horses.

I grew up in a farm located in the North of Argentina. There, I learnt to work with the cattle surrounded by Criollo horses. Although I dedicated innumerable hours to equestrianism, I have never drawn away from the “gaucho” life. I have travelled the 5 continents, rode Bedouin horses in Wadi Rum, crossed The Andes, and horseback rode the Oceania shores. However, my true challenge in life has always been following the African migrations.

I truly believe in energies floating around; riding a horse means feeling a connection with the freedom of nature. I am a designer and an artist. I was born in Buenos Aires and, from the very start, landscapes have inspired me to paint and create. The best horseback ride I have ever experienced was in the Argentine Patagonia. The nights in the South of Argentina make you feel a mixture of sensations, of danger and melancholy, in a place where the moon is always present and accompanies you all the way.

I am a photographer and graphic designer. Nature creates small worlds that I love to immortalize with my camera. Colors and textures are infinite. I love capturing the movements of free horses, where I encounter their greatness at its best. Going around the immensity of the Pampean plains is my passion; therefore, I repeat this experience every year.